salam...rasanya dah agak lama x update blog...xdak idea+agak busy melayan tetamu yg dtg dr volgo...
hari ni---> 7hb februari.. --->genap sudah 22tahun sahabatku, DURAR AQILAH ZAMRI hidup di dunia ni...hepi besday doakan yg baik2 belaka utk ampa, semoga bertemu kebahagian,kesenangan, dan keselamatan di dunia n akhirat...i luv n misshhh u sooo much...
n so,this is d cake u asked for,haha...too bad that u cudnt taste d cake(as she is in dublin, while me,in moscow)...nway,sowi d presentation is not that great,i'm juz not d girl of perfection,hihi...still,hope u like this cake...btw,this is a carrot cake...
unfortunately,kek ni nampak mcm bantat sikit,n xkembg sgt...penuh rs walnut,lebih dr rs carrot..mayb slh org yg mmbuatnya,bknnya salah resepi tu...(haha,resepi ni spatutnya utk cup cake,tp sbb mls nak mnunggu bnyk kali kena bakar klau buat cup cake)...nak try resepi?? tekan sini...+ i changed d recipe n add 2 spoons of творог (baca : tvarog =cottage cheese),n for d topping pun i used tvarog instead of cream cheese...
btw dura, video kat bwh ni is dedicated to u...:-p
hepi besday again...
salam..ryhan!! thank u swthrt!!! huhu bestnya leh request bday cake dari jauuhh..btui2 ampa buat rupanyaa..isk isk terharu..ka ampa mmg tringinn sbnrnya nk mkn kek keret?? hehe takpa2 cmana2 pn km tetap nk trharu jugak..huhu..=)
ryhan,sapa yg mkn kek tu?? hehe sdap dakk?? walaupon xdpt mkn tp kesedapn tu smpaii gk kt cnnii =) =) =)
thank u for d lurve dari sana..huhu..may Allah grant u wif a better reward dear~ tc! muahs!~
salam swthrt...
ur welkom...xpa,sekali setahun je pun kan...hihi,nak rs kek yg btui,cuti nanti ampa kena mai rumah kami la..hihi...
k,tc dear...
luv u,muahxx!!!
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