am i happy?i dun think i can answer dis question...not dat any1 asked me this, i juz hav this question to myself...
d answer is,probably(there's no jwpn skema for this question,haha), i am not unhappy, there's a mixture of feelings here(happy,upset,devastated,wonderful,u name it urself)...
well,life is a test...hidup akan sentiasa ada ujian...n i guess i'm bad in handling pressure,n tense situation,huhu...mayb after some tests,i'll get used to them,but can i survive SOME tests? kpd Allah je i could pray, so that my life here and hereafter is and will b under His bless and mercy...
and i think, i've failed several tests in life...u guys who knows me well,they noe which 1 i failed...yes,it's true, it's an experience, not to say a bad 1, but it affects me so much...on my opinion, it's changed me so much...please dun say i'm ungrateful again,it's really hurt(it hurts inside,u noe i'm a sensitive person)...:-( i'll bear dis feeling on my own, n with support from frens of mine...
n oh,i'm being emotional again...huhu,bencinya perasaan ni...i think my adaptation is decreasing,now,haha,gurau je...emo kjp2 je tau...
n i noe dat i'm happy, i hav my families, my frens, n most importantly, Allah masih beri nikmatNya yang xthingga kpd hambaNya yang hina ini...alhamdulillah...
ya Allah,tenangkan lah hati hambaMu ini...amin...
BR1M Bram Brom
7 years ago
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